Phase 3: Choose Phenomena
The goal of this phase is to select a phenomenon that is meaningful and engaging to your students and requires use of the targeted dimensions to explain.
Phase 3 Guidance
Choosing a phenomenon is a critical step in assessment design that requires holding your students' interests, classroom experiences, and assessment targets in mind.
This phase consists of three steps.
Evaluate potential for engaging student interest and identity: Brainstorm phenomena that engage students’ interests and identities and are explainable using their targeted dimensions.
Evaluate alignment between the phenomenon and target DCIs: Assess how well the explanation of the chosen phenomenon requires using the targeted DCI element(s).
Identify data or information for sensemaking: Think carefully about the relationship between what aspects of the DCIs students will demonstrate and what data/information they need to observe and make sense of using the targeted 3Ds.
How-To Instructions
To view the instructions for completing Phase 3 of the 5d Assessment Development Tool you can open the embedded Scribe tutorials in a new window or scroll through them on this page.
To view the instructions for completing Phase 3 of the 5d Assessment Development Tool you can open the embedded Scribe tutorials in a new window or scroll through them on this page.
Explore possible data/resources to use for student sensemaking before committing too deeply to a phenomenon.
Remember that well-crafted data and information is a viable alternative when authentic data and information is unavailable.
Make sure the data/information used to make the phenomenon visible to students can be presented in multiple modalities.