Phase 2: Get to Know the Standards
The goal of this phase is to gain a deeper understanding of the standards to help ensure that our assessments surface what students are expected to know and be able to do at the appropriate grade level.
Phase 2 Guidance
Getting to know the standards requires both a grade band analysis and unpacking the targeted elements.
The grade band analysis provides a big picture understanding of the entire body of elements at a grade band and across grade bands to really orient to what students are expected to know, think, and do.
Element unpacking allows for deep deep understanding of what student performance requires for a particular standard.
This phase consists of three steps.
Identify Your Assessment Target: Include the clarification statement and assessment boundary if applicable.
Grade Band Analysis: Complete Steps 1, 2, and 3 for each dimension: DCI, SEP, and CCC.
Essential Unpacking: Complete Steps 4, & 5 for the elements of each dimension: DCI, SEP, and CCC.
How-To Instructions
To view the instructions for completing Phase 2 of the 5d Assessment Development Tool you can open the embedded Scribe tutorials in a new window or scroll through them on this page. Instructions are available for completing the grade band analysis and for the essential element unpacking.
Use the tools in ways that work best for you. If copy/paste gets in the way of your thinking, use screen shots or printed versions of the standards and supporting documents instead.
Make sure you can clearly identify what key ideas are only present in your targeted grade band.
Take a meta moment to note the importance and meaning of the dimension domain as a whole (e.g. Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems) and think about the elements in relation to the broader topic. This is particularly helpful for understanding what a SEP or CCC looks like at grade band.
Remember to reflect on how the elements work together as a whole.